I love Glitch’s little spat feet! The crossed toes just makes me want to die, he’s so adorable!
Poor Pumpkin did she not think that the ramp wouldn’t be cold? Silly Pumpkin! which makes me want to ask do mech’s like Glitch and Crash register things that are warm and cold? Or are they must more tolerant?
Do not plot when it is metal involved. It will either burn or freeze you out x}
We can get used to it together!
Ahahaha, these two are so adorable! XD
His feets all cute crossed together. <3 I wonder what he's thinking about.
Beware the cute between these two, LMAO!
I love Glitch’s little spat feet! The crossed toes just makes me want to die, he’s so adorable!
Poor Pumpkin did she not think that the ramp wouldn’t be cold? Silly Pumpkin! which makes me want to ask do mech’s like Glitch and Crash register things that are warm and cold? Or are they must more tolerant?