Sorry I missed a day there. Hey, btw, I have a patreon here: where I’ve been uploading behind the scenes type of stuff like the sets I make and the 3d models I’ve sculpted for maquettes for the different characters. All the comic stuff is under the $1 tier!
The only reason I’ve been able to to start working on this is because I needed to step away from the game industry for awhile. I know now that I have rejection sensitivity disorder and adhd in addition to already knowing I had depression and anxiety. So I’ve been trying to make money where I can while I figure out how I’m going to ever deal with the RSD. It’s especially bad at work because you’re under constant critique. lol Anyway, if you have money to spare please think about joining so I can continue to work on this!
What’s the name of the robot with the “hair”?
The Vox mech? That’s Shy. <3
I’m just wondering, is Sin gay? Or bisexual? And how do the mechs in this series have sex?
I don’t think that Sin knows himself- but I would say he’s bi. Pretty much all the characters are bi but some lean more toward one sex or another.
Also he’s existed a long time, but not really had a whole lot of experience with actual life. Boundaries are a fun eccentricity that /other/ people seem to have as far as he’s concerned- same with ethics.
As for sex, they all come equipped but as mechs they also have the ability to connect and have sex mind to mind. Sin’s strong enough to break through most firewalls or security a mech might have on their mind, but only by infecting them with his nanobots.
Thank you for asking!!! <3