it’s POM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Pom.
aaw this is so cute!
thank you! Pom is ADORABLE.
I love how Pom just grabs him by the waist like YOINK
No matter how big there’s always a bigger robot. Man if I ever have enough people interested I’d want to make a plushie of Pom. he’s so cuddly!
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Comics: 5Recent Appearance: CH6-38First Appearance: Ch6-7
aaw this is so cute!
thank you! Pom is ADORABLE.
I love how Pom just grabs him by the waist like YOINK
No matter how big there’s always a bigger robot. Man if I ever have enough people interested I’d want to make a plushie of Pom. he’s so cuddly!