Aww, poor Tumi! D:
…Is that a bullet wound scar I see?
we shall seeeee~
Did she over hear?
I don’t think so… not sure. o.o
awwwww poor tumi, i hope this turns out as a bonding moment and she and pumpkin can get along…
haha~ we’ll see. XD
Tumiiiii-!! -hugs-
poor kid. n.n;
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Aww, poor Tumi! D:
…Is that a bullet wound scar I see?
we shall seeeee~
Did she over hear?
I don’t think so… not sure. o.o
awwwww poor tumi, i hope this turns out as a bonding moment and she and pumpkin can get along…
haha~ we’ll see. XD
Tumiiiii-!! -hugs-
poor kid. n.n;