subtle as a freight train
Lucky Pumpkin. Nothing wrong with ‘subtlety’. I love Glitch’s face in the second panel fo the third row.
heheh smug Glitch is smug!
how about that, a kinda emasculated masculine fembot?
You’re right, being the only male on a ship full of beautiful women and having sex with them is SO EMASCULATING. What WAS I thinking? XD
He’s like a robot house wife~ -shot-
I was thinking butler or maid, but i guess they don’t really provide uh.. conjugal services. XDDD
Bow chicka bow wow!
hahah~ always!
*fans self*
<3 <3 <3
Hells yeah!!!
oh it’s ON. <3
Mom, I know what I want for Christmas!
I will personally stuff him in a stocking for you. XD
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Lucky Pumpkin. Nothing wrong with ‘subtlety’. I love Glitch’s face in the second panel fo the third row.
heheh smug Glitch is smug!
how about that, a kinda emasculated masculine fembot?
You’re right, being the only male on a ship full of beautiful women and having sex with them is SO EMASCULATING. What WAS I thinking? XD
He’s like a robot house wife~ -shot-
I was thinking butler or maid, but i guess they don’t really provide uh.. conjugal services. XDDD
Bow chicka bow wow!
hahah~ always!
*fans self*
<3 <3 <3
Hells yeah!!!
oh it’s ON. <3
Mom, I know what I want for Christmas!
I will personally stuff him in a stocking for you. XD