I suddenly really want a robot dog. 😀
man i was trying so hard to make it NOT look like some version of Ravage. XD;;;
Yep, I was right. Not playing peek-a-boo!
They take peek-a-boo very seriously here. XD
Hmmm….I’ll just watch. lol
Humans suck anyway. Robot only colony? When does the ship leave ’cause I want to be on it! 😀
Hahah~ it’ll show up eventually… just not for awhile. n.n;
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I suddenly really want a robot dog. 😀
man i was trying so hard to make it NOT look like some version of Ravage. XD;;;
Yep, I was right. Not playing peek-a-boo!
They take peek-a-boo very seriously here. XD
Hmmm….I’ll just watch. lol
Humans suck anyway. Robot only colony? When does the ship leave ’cause I want to be on it! 😀
Hahah~ it’ll show up eventually… just not for awhile. n.n;