And we’re back! I hope! I had to install Comic Easel because my old version of Comic Press wasn’t working at all. That meant I had to re-upload all the comics and I lost all you guy’s comments on the pages they went with. ;3;//
that makes me super super sad because you guys’ comments means a lot to me. I know I’m not great at replying, but i do a stupid little happy dance whenever anyone comments.
Anyway, if anyone wants to back to the beginning and read all the comics and tell me if I’ve got any errors, I’d appreciate it a bunch! I’m going to try and set aside some time to do that later this weekend, but as is I burned most of my saturday trying to fix this. *sobsob*
Also, I had an accident cutting up vegetables and now i’ve got a big bandage on my thumb- so if i have a bunch of typos, please bear with me. It’s hard to type.
I’ve made it most of the way through the comic from the beginning and I haven’t seen any errors so far. I do find it strange that the archive has the comments that are not shown when going through the comic page by page from beginning to end but not the images of the comic. I’m not certain if that is how the archive is suppose to be structured.
I hope your thumb heals up soon. I know that pain of getting cut making something.
I recommend using a service like Intense Debate or Disqus as a comment backup. Also be sure to be backing up your site database at least weekly!