Convinient they come in egg form then.
Don’t eat the children!!!
‘So what do you want in a child? A girl? A boy? Something in between?”
S’Vulcari: ‘I’ll take mine like an omelet!’
‘Okay-Wait! Bwuh??’
Gotta love that proud parent squee-face!
Having had kids, that question in the last panel IS a valid one–or will be, after the kids hatches and has been out a few weeks!
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Convinient they come in egg form then.
Don’t eat the children!!!
‘So what do you want in a child? A girl? A boy? Something in between?”
S’Vulcari: ‘I’ll take mine like an omelet!’
‘Okay-Wait! Bwuh??’
Gotta love that proud parent squee-face!
Having had kids, that question in the last panel IS a valid one–or will be, after the kids hatches and has been out a few weeks!