Pumpkin is looking surprisingly mature and –older–in that last panel.
Poor Glitch. I’m a bit surprised he didn’t come up with the repressed feelings diagnosis. Pumpkin probably has–but I’m sure she’ll explain it to him at a later time.
And those great dark circles above your eyes make better scowl-y things than eyebrows do, Grey, really!
Sorry Clitch, you maybe good for relieve frustration one on one, but three’s a croud. They will either kill eachother or boink like jack rabbits. Best to leave the angry people be.
Haha!! I love this page, nothing about has anything to dislike 😀
And Glitches participation is pretty sweet of him but, as a mech, he might loose a few points at knowing what to do in a few situations.
Yeah, you may not have eyebrows, Grey, but you have the muscles of which move eyebrows, so yes….you CAN scowl. >:D
He may not scowl, but Grey sure can pout XD ove his and Glitch’s expressions on this page!
Pumpkin is looking surprisingly mature and –older–in that last panel.
Poor Glitch. I’m a bit surprised he didn’t come up with the repressed feelings diagnosis. Pumpkin probably has–but I’m sure she’ll explain it to him at a later time.
And those great dark circles above your eyes make better scowl-y things than eyebrows do, Grey, really!
Glitch needs hugs, Pumpkin. Do you has?
Sorry Clitch, you maybe good for relieve frustration one on one, but three’s a croud. They will either kill eachother or boink like jack rabbits. Best to leave the angry people be.
Haha!! I love this page, nothing about has anything to dislike 😀
And Glitches participation is pretty sweet of him but, as a mech, he might loose a few points at knowing what to do in a few situations.
Yeah, you may not have eyebrows, Grey, but you have the muscles of which move eyebrows, so yes….you CAN scowl. >:D