It took me about to the fourth panel to realize that was Petra. I’m so used to seeing her with hair down and in uniform. x3
I’ve always wondered how old she was….now onto everyone else!
LOL!!!! “I’m not OLD”
Random note that there’s a tan/yellow/light-orange blob-creature with a line running through him in the first panel… Unless he’s translucent/transparent?
Kids and there MTV and hover boards. Back in the day, we had real space fights with real lasers, and not the kind that hit you and you fall down, but the kind that disintegrated the person, leaving nothing behind. These kinds wouldn’t last a parsec, and I mean a real parsec, without their kool aid and giant robots with silly names.
lol, that’s a great face on petra in that last panel
THANKS, Tumi. Also, floating blue person out front looks like an interesting person (channeling Amy from Futurama).
She has my age! 😀
It took me about to the fourth panel to realize that was Petra. I’m so used to seeing her with hair down and in uniform. x3
I’ve always wondered how old she was….now onto everyone else!
Wow–I’m not gonna say just how old Tumi just made ME feel. But–she’s actually looking a bit older today, and Petra looks good with the hair up.
I feel your pain, Petra. I feel your pain…
Never call a woman old XD
LOL!!!! “I’m not OLD”
Random note that there’s a tan/yellow/light-orange blob-creature with a line running through him in the first panel… Unless he’s translucent/transparent?
he’s a blob, so he’s transparent. X3
Kids and there MTV and hover boards. Back in the day, we had real space fights with real lasers, and not the kind that hit you and you fall down, but the kind that disintegrated the person, leaving nothing behind. These kinds wouldn’t last a parsec, and I mean a real parsec, without their kool aid and giant robots with silly names.
What era are you from? O_o
Not mine apparently–we looked at Sputnik and waved our canes in self-righteousness.