Oh jeebus. This is not going to end well… The question is not ‘are we idiots?’, but ‘how heavily are we packin’? ‘ >:)
Sometimes you get no other choice but being an idiot…
Part of the trap or an unlucky survivor/civilian? I’m leaning toward the former…
I thought that was the guide.
Does anyone have a clue to the cat-person’s gender??
Stealing giant spiders . . .
It was mentioned earlier that this was a planet of spiders, and the sheets were left behind–I wonder if the things got hungry and took the kids for a quick snack before the entre–er–adults, arrive.
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Oh jeebus. This is not going to end well…
The question is not ‘are we idiots?’, but ‘how heavily are we packin’? ‘ >:)
Sometimes you get no other choice but being an idiot…
Part of the trap or an unlucky survivor/civilian? I’m leaning toward the former…
I thought that was the guide.
Does anyone have a clue to the cat-person’s gender??
Stealing giant spiders . . .
It was mentioned earlier that this was a planet of spiders, and the sheets were left behind–I wonder if the things got hungry and took the kids for a quick snack before the entre–er–adults, arrive.