Poor Liz. Love tha panel, though!
Ooaaugggh yuucckk >BT
You’d think Grey would like water.. even if it’s kinda boggish 😉
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I’ve done worse, but–that water DOES look disgusting.
That’s some nasty looking water… *pukes* Puke-green yellow. And who knows what’s in it, or if it even IS water… o-o’ yuck…
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Poor Liz. Love tha panel, though!
Ooaaugggh yuucckk >BT
You’d think Grey would like water.. even if it’s kinda boggish 😉
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I’ve done worse, but–that water DOES look disgusting.
That’s some nasty looking water… *pukes* Puke-green yellow. And who knows what’s in it, or if it even IS water… o-o’ yuck…