Awww, Crash! XD No leering!
*sniff* *sniff* <3
LOL Crash will always be cute XDD
Aw, poor Crash, haha – be nice Tumi, he’s still learning. XD
Glad to see nothing has changed about Crash so far.
Awh!!! You poor little babu! ;A; *glomps*
He’s never had a sense a smell before….all this new stuff to find out with his new body is going to be fun!!
Poor Crash, LMAO.
Aww, don’t hit him! you smell good, Tumi 83
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Awww, Crash! XD No leering!
LOL Crash will always be cute XDD
Aw, poor Crash, haha – be nice Tumi, he’s still learning. XD
Glad to see nothing has changed about Crash so far.
Awh!!! You poor little babu! ;A; *glomps*
He’s never had a sense a smell before….all this new stuff to find out with his new body is going to be fun!!
Poor Crash, LMAO.
Aww, don’t hit him! you smell good, Tumi 83