I’m really sorry, guys, but i’m going to have to switch to only updating on Tuesdays and Thursdays for a while. I burned through a lot of my reserve this summer after we moved, then I tried drawing everything digitally and improving the backgrounds- but all that seemed to do was slow me down. :S
…so I need to slow down till I can do up some more pages!
I am happy for you to update whenever you feel like it. Don’t let anyone push you into a burnout, just make them as you’re happy to make them.
BTW long time reader first time commenter 😀 Sorry I haven’t said anything before, I am very antisocial. But I love the comic it is great!
thank you! While I do appreciate every comment I get, and I clap my hands and squeal as i read them, don’t ever feel like you HAVE to comment. Just you coming and reading and enjoying the story means a lot to me!
That’s okay! We don’t mind!!! It looks beautiful and I can wait longer. I completely understand the whole, “life is getting in the way” thing XD We are remodeling our house (not my choice) so ITS OKAY I UNDERSTAND!!! <3
thank you! I’m rather proud of this next sequence. >_>;;;
Whatever fits your schedule, love.
Have to say, for a bot without arms, he’s pretty cool looking. Not anything spectacular by any means, but the boxiness is a nice change from the smooth curves of our beloved mech heroes. 😀
thanks,hon~~ <3 i’m all like, “WANT TO TELL STORRRYYYY” but i get frustrated when it doesn’t look as good as i want it to.
“Don’t worry, he’s perfectly armless.”
Hindsight is 20-20… no worries, we all be happy just to see it period.
I’ve been waitin’ for this! I can’t wait!
*Gabe, dammit excitement you’re terrible at spelling. xD
cool indeed ^-^
Bee-yootiful page! And just keep on doing what you’re doing – we can be patient. Oooooh, I think I remember this guy from your deviantart page.
Quality trumps quantity always. No worries, I am a huge fan and you seem to have a vey loya base here.
Just get to the point where the world turns green and seeing pigs fly. Don’t push yourself on this comic, we’ll be here for you through and through Batchix 😉
Whoa, this battle mech reminds me of Nightbird from G1. Very cool concept and comic you have so far! 😀 I’ll wait however long you need just to read your comic!