Dude, Glitch wat be careful why you no wear armor~
Minerva likes ’em big, powerful and pretty… when taken out of context, it’s almost like she’s flirting, especially in panel eight. Boys, watch yourselves, you fit most of those requirements.
I think Glitch needs to make her twitch 😉
Glitch would look kick ass in armor.. Wait that wasn’t the point of this page. xD
OOoooh….talk’n back ain’t sly, Glitch **Hides**
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Dude, Glitch wat be careful why you no wear armor~
Minerva likes ’em big, powerful and pretty… when taken out of context, it’s almost like she’s flirting, especially in panel eight. Boys, watch yourselves, you fit most of those requirements.
I think Glitch needs to make her twitch 😉
Glitch would look kick ass in armor.. Wait that wasn’t the point of this page. xD
OOoooh….talk’n back ain’t sly, Glitch **Hides**