Oh Gray…
I can’t tell if in that last panel that’s an “oh sh*t” face or a “it worked” face
Curiosity killed the cat XD
He’s just too cute
Please give Crash a “camshaft”. GIVE HIM! It’s the answer to all the problems aboard the ship and in the surrounding universe. Let Pumpkin make him whole!!
Sideswipe is a Lambo v12, so he has 2 overhead Camshafts, let Crash have at least ONE!!
I can hear it now… Damn… what happened to my light?
And then he gets attacked or whatever. XD I’m loving it still! Can’t wait for the next (haha! I almost typed ‘nest’) page!
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Oh Gray…
I can’t tell if in that last panel that’s an “oh sh*t” face or a “it worked” face
Curiosity killed the cat XD
He’s just too cute
Please give Crash a “camshaft”. GIVE HIM! It’s the answer to all the problems aboard the ship and in the surrounding universe. Let Pumpkin make him whole!!
Sideswipe is a Lambo v12, so he has 2 overhead Camshafts, let Crash have at least ONE!!
I can hear it now… Damn… what happened to my light?
And then he gets attacked or whatever. XD I’m loving it still! Can’t wait for the next (haha! I almost typed ‘nest’) page!