Glitch in a bucket!
robot stew!
Pink fluffy slippers! XD
even in space they need comfy foot wear!
Poor Glitch, stuck in a bucket…
God only knows what was in there before he was…
That…cannot be comfortable. Poor Glitch! D:
I don’t think all his parts fit in there, so definitely not comfortable. XD
Pumpkin’s expression through this is priceless….XD And Glitch in a bucket…THAT must be made marketable! 8D
haha~ maybe i’ll pack the minimachina as kits in buckets. XD The gammas will all be strung.
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Glitch in a bucket!
robot stew!
Pink fluffy slippers! XD
even in space they need comfy foot wear!
Poor Glitch, stuck in a bucket…
God only knows what was in there before he was…
That…cannot be comfortable. Poor Glitch! D:
I don’t think all his parts fit in there, so definitely not comfortable. XD
Pumpkin’s expression through this is priceless….XD And Glitch in a bucket…THAT must be made marketable! 8D
haha~ maybe i’ll pack the minimachina as kits in buckets. XD The gammas will all be strung.