I like that white alien with the funky ears.
Lol, glitch in the background. He looks rather interested in this information.
She’s a Nachani… they’ll be back later and in greater numbers. 😀
Love the alien design in the third panel, as well as the Bot design.
I love convenient noobs in the crew and their convenient questions that answer what us readers were wonderin’ ourselves. 83
Oh look, Glitch! No one seems the least bit surprised he’s up and running around. Guess Pumpkin is quite the mechanic!
thanks! XD Well, i gotta explain things somehow. That’s the hardest part about creating a universe… how to explain this crap! X3
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I like that white alien with the funky ears.
Lol, glitch in the background. He looks rather interested in this information.
She’s a Nachani… they’ll be back later and in greater numbers. 😀
Love the alien design in the third panel, as well as the Bot design.
I love convenient noobs in the crew and their convenient questions that answer what us readers were wonderin’ ourselves. 83
Oh look, Glitch! No one seems the least bit surprised he’s up and running around. Guess Pumpkin is quite the mechanic!
thanks! XD Well, i gotta explain things somehow. That’s the hardest part about creating a universe… how to explain this crap! X3