Wow… Lieutenant, you sure are shmexy. Maybe our girls need to strip USF bots down more often lmfao…
Looking at Sin in that 8th panel, something about his expression and his pose makes me think, deep voiced Russian merc. xD Love Lt’s expression in the 7th panel, though. The surprise is so clearly written all over his face. He went from being deep-sexy-mysterious with/toward Tumi, to easier reading than a children’s picture book.
Aww, poor Lt…
Oh my, I thought he hadn’t been thrown out into space and then… then.. this! He’s in soooo deeeeeeeppp…
Lt. ;3; Why you so sexy?
D8 LT!!! NOOO I thought you were still on the ship… WHY NOT?! S-STUPID T-TUMI!!! IT’S RUDE TO JETTISON YOUR FUTURE BOYFRIEND!!! T^T
Poor Lt… of all the ships to get run into by…
Wow… Lieutenant, you sure are shmexy. Maybe our girls need to strip USF bots down more often lmfao…
Looking at Sin in that 8th panel, something about his expression and his pose makes me think, deep voiced Russian merc. xD Love Lt’s expression in the 7th panel, though. The surprise is so clearly written all over his face. He went from being deep-sexy-mysterious with/toward Tumi, to easier reading than a children’s picture book.