Adorable pouting in that last panel…
Aw, Lt. ;3;
AH MY FEELS!!! Poor Lt! ;A; Please don’t do anything rash… meh! WE LOVE YOU!!! “Is that loyalty /earned/ or /programed/?” WHAT AN AWESOME LINE! But that was mean. She is just a BAD WORD! D8
Someone safe Lt.!
Wow….save! Not safe *facedesk*
He looks so sad and lonely!!!! *hugs* Somebody needs some cuddles!!! >w< *pets* Poor babu Lt. ;-;
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Adorable pouting in that last panel…
Aw, Lt. ;3;
AH MY FEELS!!! Poor Lt! ;A; Please don’t do anything rash… meh!
“Is that loyalty /earned/ or /programed/?” WHAT AN AWESOME LINE! But that was mean. She is just a BAD WORD! D8
Someone safe Lt.!
Wow….save! Not safe *facedesk*
He looks so sad and lonely!!!! *hugs* Somebody needs some cuddles!!! >w< *pets* Poor babu Lt. ;-;