Oooo, so we going to revisit Petra and Minerva now?
Rockstar and unlicensed bounty hunter does describe the pirate life nicely.
Crash looks good in his armor. <3
Dana sounds just a wee bit like Peach… ;D
I love Crash’s pose! And her face in the last panel XD
Is Crash snoozing or just chilling? (reason I say snoozing is because his optics aren’t lit up..?) Gosh, I don’t know how I missed then, but I’m loving the little wings on his peds c: Very reminiscent of Hermes, with the talaria <3
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Oooo, so we going to revisit Petra and Minerva now?
Rockstar and unlicensed bounty hunter does describe the pirate life nicely.
Crash looks good in his armor. <3
Dana sounds just a wee bit like Peach… ;D
I love Crash’s pose!
And her face in the last panel XD
Is Crash snoozing or just chilling? (reason I say snoozing is because his optics aren’t lit up..?) Gosh, I don’t know how I missed then, but I’m loving the little wings on his peds c: Very reminiscent of Hermes, with the talaria <3