Heya, I’m one of those that discovered your story thanks to your guest strip in Unsounded.
It’s quite a nice story and I love your characters. Having read the whole archive, I’ve seen your art grandually change and seeing how good it was in the beginning and how it did improve over time, I’m properly amazed.
I only have one critique: you make typos. I’m not a native English speaker and it’s sometimes difficult for me to understand what you mean.
Besides that, I’m now an eager follower of yours. Thanks for this story.
Heh. “Late” isn’t a concern. My worry is the unannounced hiatus. I’ve got several comic ‘kills’ in my history–I find a wonderful piece of sequential art, read through the entire archive, get fully hooked on the story… and then within a month of me finding the place, it just… stops.
Even an announced “Hey, I need a month off to deal with the tyrannosaurus in my back yard,” is fine. It’s the ones who go off without a word that are so frustrating. (I’ve even got a few that I’ve gone back to check on after a year or more of nothing–there will have been a flurry of updates, which I’ll catch up on–and then they go back into Silent Mode.)
Take your time! These pages have been absolutely beautiful! I think people can understand the need you have to strengthen your portfolio, even though it is already kick ass. <3
fgfgklkljkgs It’s a tuesday for me over here! You’re safe!
Heya, I’m one of those that discovered your story thanks to your guest strip in Unsounded.
It’s quite a nice story and I love your characters. Having read the whole archive, I’ve seen your art grandually change and seeing how good it was in the beginning and how it did improve over time, I’m properly amazed.
I only have one critique: you make typos. I’m not a native English speaker and it’s sometimes difficult for me to understand what you mean.
Besides that, I’m now an eager follower of yours. Thanks for this story.
sorry for the typos! I try to correct them when I have time, but it isn’t always possible. thanks for reading anyway!
Also, thanks for letting me know. I’ll try to make more of an effort to correct typos when they’re pointed out. :3
Heh. “Late” isn’t a concern. My worry is the unannounced hiatus. I’ve got several comic ‘kills’ in my history–I find a wonderful piece of sequential art, read through the entire archive, get fully hooked on the story… and then within a month of me finding the place, it just… stops.
Even an announced “Hey, I need a month off to deal with the tyrannosaurus in my back yard,” is fine. It’s the ones who go off without a word that are so frustrating. (I’ve even got a few that I’ve gone back to check on after a year or more of nothing–there will have been a flurry of updates, which I’ll catch up on–and then they go back into Silent Mode.)
Take your time! These pages have been absolutely beautiful! I think people can understand the need you have to strengthen your portfolio, even though it is already kick ass. <3
Three weeks isn’t that long of a wait really!